
As your Buyer’s Agent,
I promise to . . .

  • 1 Promote and protect your best interests
  • 2 Sign an agency agreement stating I will represent you, the buyer
  • 3 In return, ask for your commitment and not work with other REALTORS
  • 4 Locate and show available properties from any company, pointing out strengths and weaknesses to you while honoring your price limits
  • 5 Provide important information about neighborhoods, floor plans, and resale characteristics
  • 6 Council you about property values
  • 7 Keep your bargaining and financial position confidential
  • 8 Advise you on offers you may want to make on a property
  • 9 Assist you in arranging property inspections
  • 10 Submit offers to purchase promptly
  • 11 Respond honestly and accurately to questions
  • 12 Consult with you regarding counteroffers
  • 13 Negotiate only on your behalf
  • 14 Follow-up on necessary corrections and repairs
  • 15 Supply information for any services requested
  • 16 Provide guidance and support throughout your home-buying process
  • 17 Stay in touch with you regarding future market conditions that may affect your home value
  • 18 Appreciate any recommendations to family and friends
  • 1 Promote and protect your best interests
  • 2 Sign an agency agreement stating I will represent you, the buyer
  • 3 In return, ask you to be committed and not work with other REALTORS
  • 4 Locate and show available properties from any company, pointing out strengths and weaknesses to you while honoring your price limits
  • 5 Provide important information about neighborhoods, floor plans, and resale characteristics
  • 6 Council you about property values
  • 7 Keep your bargaining and financial position confidential
  • 8 Advise you on offers you may want to make on a property
  • 9 Assist you in arranging property inspections
  • 10 Submit offers to purchase promptly
  • 11 Respond honestly and accurately to questions
  • 12 Consult with you regarding counteroffers
  • 13 Negotiate only on your behalf
  • 14 Follow-up on necessary corrections and repairs
  • 15 Supply information for any services requested
  • 16 Provide guidance and support throughout your home-buying process
  • 17 Stay in touch with you regarding future market conditions that may affect your home value
  • 18 Appreciate any recommendations to family and friends